Establishment Insider Jeffrey Sachs charges CIA, White House with Endangering the World in Interview with Tucker Carlson

The left-leaning diplomat emphatically warned of possible nuclear annihilation due to the neoconservative policies of the U.S. government. ‘Are we mad?’ he asked, advising Joe Biden to ‘tell the truth’ and ‘stop the wars today.’

Patrick Delaney, LifeSite News, 6/24

(LifeSiteNews) — In an extraordinary interview with Tucker Carlson, Columbia University economist and senior UN adviser Jeffrey Sachs warned that a neocon-inspired “deep project of the (U.S.) security apparatus” is driving a policy that is endangering the world with nuclear war, primarily due to the current conflicts in Ukraine and Gaza.

He further cautioned such a catastrophe could happen very easily, through even an “accidental tripwire,” and yet if American policy makers decided to do so, these wars could be ended “today.”

According to the well-known analyst, this aggressive foreign policy plan was inspired by the neoconservatives and began just after the fall of the Soviet Union in 1991, with the now-disbanded think tank Project for a New American Century (PNAC) later articulating its goals and principles, especially with the document “Rebuilding America’s Defenses” (RAD) released in 2000.

In the opening portion of the interview, Sachs thoroughly explains the well-documented reasons why, contrary to the western mantra that Russia’s February 2022 military movement into Ukraine was “unprovoked,” a long succession of serious provocations over three decades were committed by the U.S. and NATO against this nuclear adversary.

These included 1) the relentless expansion of NATO to Russia’s borders despite frequent, clear, and emphatic warnings from Russian leaders who reasonably saw such expansion as a security threat; 2) the facilitating of a violent overthrow of Ukraine’s democratically elected government in 2014; 3) the building up of Ukraine’s army to be the largest in Europe poised to attack Russia; 4) the persistent and intensifying military attacks on ethnic Russians in the Donbass region of the country; 5) disregarding peace treaties Ukraine and the West had agreed to (Minsk I & II); and finally 6) a cascade of reckless diplomatic and military provocations after the installation of the Joe Biden administration in 2021.

Sachs tells Jake Sullivan: Ukraine’s neutrality builds U.S. security, ‘don’t have an accidental tripwire’

While reviewing the historical outline, Sachs recalled Putin’s last attempt to come to a negotiated settlement before their invasion. On December 15, 2021, after a meeting with Biden, the Russian president “put on the table a draft Russia-U.S. security agreement” that, “the core of it was to stop the NATO enlargement.”

Given his diplomatic status, the economic professor said he called the White House and spoke to national security adviser Jake Sullivan, imploring “don’t have a war over this. We don’t need NATO enlargement for U.S. security. In fact, it’s counter to U.S. security. The U.S. should not be right up against the Russian border. That’s how we trip ourselves into World War III.”

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1 thought on “Establishment Insider Jeffrey Sachs charges CIA, White House with Endangering the World in Interview with Tucker Carlson”

  1. Yes, NATO should have been disbanded when the threat from the Warsaw Pact countries ended because that was its original mission – to protect Western European countries from an attack from the USSR. But Gorbachev wasn’t as innocent as Sachs described him since he was shown associating with Maurice Strong carrying a new “One World” Ark of The Covenant with which to build a One World government.
    Apparently NATO acquired a new mission, which was to pave the way for a One World government. All the EU leaders have gone berserk in relinquishing the welfare of their own countries in acquiescing to One World objectives, even to allowing unrestricted migrations from peoples of countries completely hostile to their own cultures.
    Apparently Russia wouldn’t allow the intervention of a One World government so they’re fighting off the entire Western One World government’s quest to achieve that.
    That’s what Mr. Sachs doesn’t “get”. And it looks like the US is a primary player in that quest.

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