U.S. Air Force Has Become a Den of Debauchery

LeoHohmann.com, 6/24

Judicial Watch recently received 25 pages of records regarding drag shows, drag story hours and other pride events for military personnel and their dependent minor children, all of it organized and paid for by the U.S. Air Force, meaning your tax dollars.

According to a May 30 press release from Judicial Watch, documents were obtained one year ago through a May 5, 2023, Freedom of Information Act request submitted to the U.S. Department of Defense by Judicial Watch and CatholicVote Civic Action. The Defense Department issued at least half a dozen “no records” responses to the FOIA request prior to finally releasing these records.

On June 10, 2021, a social media post by the Ramstein & Vogelweh Air Force Libraries advertises:

“We’re celebrating PRIDE month with our very first DRAG STORY TIME! Our local Drag King, Sauvage, will be reading some of our favorite stories about what makes each of us special. Story time begins at 1030!”

Graphics included with the post include a rainbow flag and two books from which Drag King Sauvage intends to read. The first book is titled “I Am Perfectly Designed” by Karamo Brown. The second book is titled “The HIPS on the DRAG QUEEN Go Swish, Swish, Swish” with a depiction of three males in dresses.

The records also include a graphic for a June 2 “Drag Queen Story Time” event at the Ramstein Library.

An advertisement for an 18-and-older event on June 4 called “Drag Karaoke” at “Club E” with “special guest from Monarchy of RoyalTEA” announces prizes for “best dressed” and drink specials.

An advertisement for a seven-week summer reading program re-promotes “Drag Queen Storytime” on June 10 and shows each week given a different color identification for events that include virtual story times, teen socials and scavenger hunts.

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U.S. Air Force has become a den of debauchery

1 thought on “U.S. Air Force Has Become a Den of Debauchery”

  1. There’s an article at WND dot com that discusses this. It’s in the “US News” section and entitled “Military Leaders Cowering to Wokeism”.
    DEI and its equivalents can be seen as nothing but psy-ops psycho-babble since its predictable results are hopelessly useless and bound to fail. There are no scientific truths to be found in them, nor any other truths either. They are true psycho-babble which only disunites rather than unites.
    The military needs unit cohesion to carry out missions. Wokeism will defeat unit cohesion and any military missions as well.
    This objective view needs to be recognized by the impressionable military leaders or else their military objectives will fail.

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