Why Trump is Really Guilty

Trump is guilty for the same reason all faithful Christians and right-thinking Conservatives are guilty. We are stupid, depraved, evil apes of evolution and we dared to rise up against our “betters” and seize what is theirs by divine right, their Precious—Sauron’s Ring of Power. @Linda

2 thoughts on “Why Trump is Really Guilty”

  1. Actually, that “stupid, depraved, and evil apes of evolution” narrative is an itself a stupid, depraved, and evil narrative which better describes them.
    It is stupid because those who think that they’re more “evolved” than others are really silly because their evolution doesn’t work that way. That’s their own delusions of grandeur speaking.
    Then they are themselves depraved because they have no moral grounds and no moral imperative. What they do have is an immoral imperative which tells them that “might makes right”.
    And that makes them degenerate and devolved apes, not the vainglorious “evolved” ones they imagine they are.

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