Diabolical Disorientation and Blood-Lust for Jews and Christians

Before succumbing to the devilish spirit he saw at work in a great many people, Friedrich Engels wrote,

Since the terrible French Revolution, an entirely new, devilish spirit has entered into a great part of mankind, and godlessness lifts its daring head in such an unashamed and subtle manner that you would think the prophecies of Scripture are fulfilled now.” (Schelling, Philosopher of Christ, cited in Marx and Satan, Richard Wurmbrand, p. 39)

Now James Carville evidences his own submission to the devilish spirit:

James Carville, the famous Democrat political strategist who helped engineer Bill Clinton’s 1992 presidential victory, went on HBO’s Realtime with Bill Maher to discuss just how dangerous Mike Johnson and American Christians really are to the United States – as it turns out, very dangerous. ” (Blood Libel: Democrat Strategist Calls Mike Johnson’s Christian Beliefs are a Bigger Threat Than Al-Qaeda…Christians are Very Dangerous, Jonathon Van Maren, LifeSite, 12/23)

In these evil days when the wrath of God is being revealed against all the godlessness and wickedness of people who suppress truth, God in His purpose of judicial abandonment is allowing the wicked to follow their own evil wills that their sins become more and more evil and end in terrible consequences. Thus, Jews and Christians whose God is the God of the Bible are being put on a hit list by the wicked.  That a majority of Israel’s Jews are Zionists (secular rather than rabbinical) doesn’t matter to the program of extermination.  Nether will it matter whether Christians are faithful or not.  So evolutionary pantheist progressive ‘Christians,’ evolutionary theists, and other conformists along with antipope Begoglio and the frocked sodomite mafia in back of him are slated for extermination right along with the faithful.

Was it not so that the demonic power and energy of Stalin consisted in this, that he made the (Communist) movement and every person in it pass to a state of confusion and stupefaction, thus creating and ensuring his reign of fear...” (Milan Drills, Communist leader of Yugoslavia, Marx and Satan, p. 54)

Diabolically disoriented Communists arrested and murdered more than 20 million Christians. This is what happened in the Soviet Union and how it will play out again in our evil days because as it was then, so today the impenitent crowd are not in control as they imagine.  There are unseen evil forces–string-pullers–in back of them influencing and disordering their minds and wills and inflating their most disordered passions. Thus, the diabolically disoriented impenitents are dancing to the macabre tune of dark forces and before they know it, the terrible consequences of their sins will result in the impenitent being covered in the blood of God’s children. As a consequence, they will face His terrible eternal judgment.

 Solzhenitsyn, who lived through a diabolical holocaust of evil running with rivers of blood, knew that hatred of God (Jesus Christ) underlies the impenitents NWO Marxist ideologies (woke, CRT, etc), and Darwinism–the anti-creation origin account of not just Marxism, but of Leftism, Socialism, Progressivism, Secular Liberalism, New Age, and Transhumanism:

When Darwin published his ‘Origin of Species,’ he took away from God his role as creator in the organic world, as Franklin has despoiled him of his thunderbolt.” Paul La-Fargue, Marx’s son-in-law, Marx and Satan, p. 84)

Marxism, along with the other diabolical ideologies waging war against Jesus Christ and the faithful church are satanic:

“Marxism is not an ordinary sinful human ideology. It is Satanic in its manner of sinning, as it is satanic in the teachings it purveys. Only in certain circumstances has it openly avowed its Satanic character.” Richard Wurmbrand, Marx and Satan, pp. 65-66

The satanic evils committed within the walls of Piteshti prison openly revealed the face of Satan. It was there that priests were compelled by Marxist torturers to say Mass over excrement and urine and Christians forced into taking Communion with these ‘elements’ of urine and excrement. In Piteshti a theology student was forced to dress in white sheets (in imitation of Christ) and a phallus made of soap hung around his neck while other Christians were beaten to insanity, forced to kneel before the phallus, kiss it, and recite part of the liturgy.

Many prisoners who were tortured died as martyrs, but devilish Communists were displeased with their deaths because when they die they go to heaven and we “don’t want you to be crowned martyrs. You should curse God first and then go to hell.” (p. 74)

Marxism, together with its devilish ideological offshoots, is a church said Wurmbrand:

It has all the characteristics of a church. But…Satan is obviously its god.”



This is how it happened in the Soviet Union and how it will play out again in our days because as it was then, so today the impenitent crowd are not in control as they believe.  There are unseen evil forces–string-pullers–in back of them and the impenitent will dance to their tune and before they know it, they will be covered in the blood of God’s children and will face His wrath.
 Solzhenitsyn knew this to be true.   He said hatred of God (Jesus Christ) underlies all Marxist ideologies (woke, CRT, etc) and Darwinism the anti-creation origin account of Marxism, Socialism, Progressivism, Secularism, New Age, and Transhumanism.

2 thoughts on “Diabolical Disorientation and Blood-Lust for Jews and Christians”

  1. If Carville thinks Christians are so “dangerous”, then he must find our God-given Constitutional rights to be a threat as well. But then the question becomes, a “threat” to whom?
    Those who feel threatened by good Judeo-Christian morals can only be those who are among God’s adversaries, such as Socialist atheist Marxists and Nazis, Satanists, and even Islamists. Carville can only be a fervent follower of any of those, or even a sympathizer of all three, whose capacity for doing evil is well known.
    At least he’s no longer hiding his true motives: he’s a devoted enemy of the USA and all its history of life, liberty, and justice for all, under God.
    God’s enemies are always liars who trample the truth, so Carville will no doubt spread lies regarding that too, by pretending to be the righteous one.

  2. Furthermore, Carville’s hatred of America’s Christian and Creator-based foundations makes him an existential threat.

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