World Economic Forum Yogin God-Man Explains Exactly Why Society Should ‘Consciously’ Choose To Depopulate

Sadhguru, a yogin god-man and WEF spiritual adviser, has millions of worshipful followers.  Yuval Hariri, another WEF guru, also has great numbers of entranced, worshipful followers among Globalists and ruling class alike.    Both men are perceived as possessors of amazing salvific wisdom, or deep gnosis.  

An example of the deep salvific gnosis both men espouse is ridding the world of billions of people.

How did they come by this deep gnosis?   Through the ritualized practice of ancient Buddhist Vipassana,(mindfulness meditation) a type of transcendental meditation that opens the doorways of mind (spirit) to evil spirits.

At first, TM seems to relieve stress and anxiety and induce happiness. It seems to make life better.  For Yuval Hariri, it has brought a clarity of mind he had never before experienced.

But after an all too brief period of euphoria, everything begins to go south as TM initiates gradually lose their personality.  Loss of personality means losing touch with reality and like Sadhguru, who calls himself she, initiates literally live in a solipsistic world of their own:  

“With disintegration of personality there is also a loss of inter-personality… love for others fades as they simply drift off into a world created by evil spirits. The actual world is perceived as ‘unreal’ and only what the adherent ‘sees’ via his ‘higher consciousness’ is accepted as real.”  (Transcendental Meditation and Yoga,

Loss of love for other humans results in evil salvific wisdom such as ridding the world of billions of people, or in Hariri’s call for a mass extinction event.

Behind the vast destructive forces of the Great Reset are its ideators and facilitators—elemental spirits—evil powers and principalities actively working through chosen individuals like Hariri.   Through them comes a drawing power that  entrances the minds of Klaus Schwab, other Globalists, and millions of followers who enact within the temporal realm the evil wisdom of initiates like Sadhguru and Hariri.

The Revealed Word of God warns about evil elemental spirits:

” Evil spirits are real beings: they are personalities not just ‘forces’. Our only protection against them is put in a nutshell in the Book of Jude, when even the archangel Michael dare not accuse or fight Satan in his own strength. Instead, he had to rebuke him in the Name and strength of God. We cannot stand against beings that are made mightier than ourselves (angels, including demons, were created higher than Man, with great powers), unless God is our champion. We are given this authority when we are saved – so use it!” (Transcendental Meditation and Yoga). Linda

Alicia Powe, Gateway Pundit, 11/4/22

Reducing the global population by billions is fundamental to achieving the WEF’s Great Reset agenda.

WEF’s Young Global Leaders, like Sadhguru, have long openly advocated for depopulation and are galvanizing public support for reducing the world’s population.

“The elephant in the room is human population because we cannot control human aspirations; we can only control human population. For this, we are instituting an award to honour men & women who consciously choose not to procreate”. Sadhguru

“All of the religious groups are against me because I’m talking about population. They want more souls, I want less on the planet,” Sadguru boasted during an interview at a WEF summit.

In a video published on Sadhguru’s YouTube channel, which has amassed 10.4 million subscribers, the WEF spiritual leader champions people having fewer and fewer children and insists the global population, which currently stands at 7.9 billion, must be reduced by at least half by 2050.

“It is not that children are wrong. We were all children some time ago. It’s not about children being right or wrong. It’s a stupid question,” Sadhgur explains. “It is just that there was a time when a woman would easily have a dozen children in her lifetime. And it was normal. Three, four of them died. Seven, eight of them lived. That was normal. Now, most women who have children here probably have two; some of them slipped through and became three.

“Is there anybody who has four, five children here? Almost never,” he continued. “About 50 years ago, almost any woman in the region of [her] early 30s would have five children or six children. So you, somewhere you … got your sense in place. You decided that instead of having six, let’s have two or one. “

“Three planet Earths” are required to sustain adequate resources for the current population, Sadguru argued.

“If your sense can work to that extent, right now we are in a place where if we have to feed, clothe and offer a decent life for this 7 billion people,” he said. “We need — for the standards that we’re thinking of, for the standards that most people are aspiring for — we need to outsource our resources from at least another three Planet Earths. We need at least three more planets. We could do that. It’s just that they aren’t there,” he said.”So, until we find such one, it’s good to hold your reproduction.

“It’s good to hold back your reproduction otherwise nobody is going to live well on this planet. It doesn’t matter what technology you bring, it doesn’t matter what you do, nobody is going to live well on this planet if you continue to increase. When I say continue to increase I want you to understand the volume of increase that we have caused.”

The global population, which has increased from 1.5 billion at the beginning of the 20th century to more than 7 billion, continues to grow society will suffer, the globalist leader warned.

“Now United Nations predicts that by 2050 we’ll be 9.6 billion people. At 9.6 billion people… even if the earth is exploited at its present rate or much more, each one of us will have to live with 40 percent less resource than we are living right now,” he said. “When I say resource, don’t think of some fancy things, I’m talking about food, water, air — these resources you will have to live with 40 percent less. That means nobody is going to live well. Yes? Just a few people who control a few things will be okay. All others will suffer in an [immersive] manner.”

“It’s time human beings function consciously…that just coming to zero percent growth is not good enough. We have to go into a minus,” he added. “Instead of projecting by 2050 we’ll be 9.6, why can’t we determine that by 2050 we’ll be 3.5 or 4 billion people?”

Sadhguru urges people to overcome their “compulsion” to have children and stop partaking in the “unpleasant” experience of  giving birth to control our population “consciously.”

“What is this compulsion about having a child? One thing, it is biological. Biologically, having a child is not a pleasant experience. If you don’t believe me ask somebody who’s delivered a child. It is just the fulfillment of being involved with something. It is the fulfillment of seeing something as a part of yourself,” he said. ” If you are committed and involved with something in your life, that fulfillment is very well taken care of.

“Because you can’t expand the planet you have to decrease the population. There is no other way. Either you do it, or nature will do it. When nature does it, it’s not going to be nice, it’s not going to be nice at all.”

According to the WEF website, which refers to Sadhguru as a “she,” the “yogi, mystic, visionary and bestselling author influences a large portion of the public to advocate for and take direct, local action for nature-based climate solutions.”

“Three decades ago, she founded the Isha Foundation, a non-profit organization with human well-being as its core commitment. She has been a primary speaker at the United Nations World Headquarters and United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification, a regular at the World Economic Forum India Economic Summit, and at TED” the site notes. Sadhguru has also been awarded a “Padma Vibhushan, Government of India” award, “the highest annual civilian award.”

In an article published by the WEF, Sadhguru boasts that he is a “worm on the planet”

“I think worms and insects know more about themselves than human beings. In that context, you can say, I’m a worm on the planet,” he notes.

Like Sadhguru and WEF Agenda Contributor Bill Gates, WEF advisor Yuval Noah Harari admittedly wants to rid the planet of billions of people or “useless eaters.”

“We just don’t need the vast majority of the population,” Harari argued in a recent interview with Chris Anderson, the head of TED .“The future is about developing more and more sophisticated technology, like artificial intelligence [and] bioengineering, Most people don’t contribute anything to that, except perhaps for their data, and whatever people are still doing which is useful, these technologies increasingly will make redundant and will make it possible to replace the people.”

Alicia is an investigative journalist and multimedia reporter. Alicia’s work is featured on the Gateway Pundit, Project Veritas, World Net Daily and Media Research Center, where she exposes fraud and abuse in government, media, Big Tech, and Big Pharma and public corruption. She brings her brand of truth to Red Voice Media in a new weekly show. 

3 thoughts on “World Economic Forum Yogin God-Man Explains Exactly Why Society Should ‘Consciously’ Choose To Depopulate”

  1. “The future is about developing more and more sophisticated technology, like artificial intelligence [and] bioengineering…” — Harari.

    To what end? The man is an idiot.

  2. Yes, it’s evident that transcendental meditation, which is the pursuit of “higher consciousness”, can fragment and even disintegrate the personality, the psyche, the character, the self itself, leading to a disassociation from humanity itself. Thereafter, the meditator is no longer in their right mind and is susceptible to malign influences such as the extermination of the greater part of humanity. There is no “bonding”, no love, to counteract such death wishes.
    TM creates monsters.

  3. To put it another way, Harari speaks in a depersonalized way because he has no characteristics in him that we call human. He’s an automaton telling us that in order to save us from ourselves, many of us must be eradicated.
    There is nothing human in this monster that other humans can relate to. He’s just an advocate of death who cannot bring happiness to others, only woe.

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